
Showing posts from July, 2019

600 Watts of solar power

It has been a while since we posted anything here. Much work has been done since. It will be another month or so before I can get caught up. I am posting one particular improvement now though as there has been interest in the project on the Bayliner Owners Club forum I participate in. So here goes. How much current might one get at about 46 degrees latitude in the Pacific Northwest on a clear summer day? I took readings from the solar controller the first chance I got. The batteries had been carrying the house load for about 20 hours. These are the readings I took from the time I awoke to the time we headed home: 8 amps, 12.4 volts at 8:00 18.5 amps 13.2 volts at 9:30 27 amps, 13.5 volts 11:30 27 amps 14 volts 13:00 20 amps, 14.3 volts at 14:00 20 amps, 14 volts at 15:00 Not too shabby! Update: definitely keeps up with our loads, even when the morning is cloudy. Custom home made rail mounts Looking down about 10 feet of rail My initial plan f